Family owned and operated since 2000, Angelhaus offers the highest quality care in a warm nurturing enviroment that you can’t get in a large institutional setting. We offer Senior Assisted Living, Memory Care, and Behavioral Health living in a warm, nurturing enviroment.

Angelhaus was initially established thanks to the vision of the Gellhaus family, who recognized the needs of an aging generation, going beyond residential care to provide an alternative to conventional nursing homes. For three generations we have proudly safeguarded the comfort and dignity of each resident that we have been entrusted to provide care for, and their families can feel the difference in the standard of care we have set.

Today, we have expanded our services beyond elderly care and acquired more locations in South Dakota to fill the growing need for other high quality assisted living services in South Dakota, like Senior Living and Behavioral Health Living. Please choose the location and type of care you are looking for:


Angelhaus in Aberdeen is our founding location and distinguished by being the first Assisted Living Center in South Dakota to become authorized and certified by the Department of Health to offer certain optional services to provide a higher level of care for our elderly residents.

In Aberdeen, our building specializes in Senior Living and Memory Care, and being the perfect nursing home alternative.

Yankton, SD

Angelhaus has three buildings at two locations in Yankton.

The levels of care we provide here are:


We are excited to announce our new location in Huron, where we focus on Behavioral Health Living.


“I don't remember how we found Angelhaus, but I decided to call and find out a little about it. We traveled to Aberdeen the next day to tour the facility. Once inside we both got that feeling you get when something seems so right. After visiting with Nathan we decided to bring mom to Angelhaus and we did so the next day since there was a room/bed available. We stayed away for about 3 days to let mom get used to the place. When we saw her we asked how she liked it. She said "They really treat me nice here and do everything for me." As the days and months went on, she always said she liked it there and the "girls" were so friendly. Mom lived there for 15 months and passed peacefully one night at bedtime. She was 96 and had a life time of memories --some trapped inside her head due to Alzheimer's. One thing she didn't forget was her sense of humor which she displayed many times each day. So, we thought the facility was small when we first saw it and came to realize that it was just the right size to give individual care to each of the residents. The place is just the right size to hold all the love they give there. Could it be something in the name?”


Facility Hours

Angelhaus facilities were usually always open to family and friends to visit, but we strive to keep your loved ones safe in these challenging times. Please call for an appointment.

Tour Hours

Monday to Friday, 8am - 4pm

Schedule a tour today.

We are happy to assign a special guide to show you our buildings and to answer all your questions in person or virtually. We understand it’s an important decision and that each situation is unique. We’re here to help you make an informed decision.